Modern Slavery Act Statement & Human Trafficking

1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024


This is the Anit-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement of Pivotl Limited (“Pivotl”). Although not required by law to do so, Pivotl is choosing to make a voluntary statement that demonstrates our full commitment against Modern Slavery and human trafficking. Pivotl is committed to complying with the principles of the Act and to the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking. 

As a UK company, our mission is to enable organisations around the world to use/leverage/access data, empower people, sustain performance, and thrive in the data economy and to solve problems for good. Our team is made up of sector specific experts, specialising in helping our clients explore and overcome complex challenges. Our delivery model comprises full time employees, associates and UK SME partner firms, to deliver our products and services. Our delivery model means that we always have the capacity and capability, when our clients require them.

Our supply chain

Due to the nature of our business, we would consider ourselves low risk of modern slavery in our business and in our supply chain. We have a limited supply chain, buying goods and services from a restricted range of carefully chosen UK suppliers. Our supply chain includes consultancy services from a carefully chosen and vetted recruitment company, consultants and other business partners, accountants, legal and technology services.

Our policies and processes

Pivotl has policies in place that guard against modern slavery, and human trafficking in our supply chains, including all contracts with partners. We require board level approval before committing to contracts with partners, risk assessment and vetting is a mandatory part of the approvals process. Pivotl is an equal opportunities employer, committed to creating and ensuring a non-discriminatory, safe and inclusive working environment for our teams.  We want all of our teams to feel confident that they can expose wrongdoing without any risk to themselves and we have a whistleblowing policy in place to allow people to do that. In addition, we also have a code of conduct; bullying and harassment policy and a diversity and inclusion policy with training in place for our staff to complete.  

Our recruitment and people management processes ensure that we have fair and transparent recruitment procedures, ensure that all employees are legally entitled to work in the UK and safeguard employees from any abuse or coercion.

Pivotl embeds these policies and protective mechanisms by:

  • Performing appropriate vetting and due diligence with potential suppliers
  • Ensure our teams are briefed and trained on modern slavery, ethical hiring and ethical employment practices
  • Continually review and take action to embed a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery
  • Include modern slavery risks and mitigations in the risk section of our board meetings, where we:
    • Identify and assess potential risks in supply chains
    • Mitigate and resolve identified risks in supply chains
    • Continually monitor supply chain risks
  • Provide appropriate modern slavery and trafficking awareness training to our teams
  • Audit our supply chain prior to renewal of contracts

Our supply chain is underpinned with a contractual process whereby all partners have either a Partner Agreement or a Framework Consultancy Agreement in place. All contract documents have obligations to comply with Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy. Every partner contractually warrants that they will comply with this policy. 

The Pivotl team, its founders and leaders are highly experienced, mature, technology services and managed services providers ensuring that all our services are underpinned by appropriate processes. We are currently accredited to Cyber Essentials Plus and are in the process of working towards ISO27001 & ISO9001. 

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st March 2024.