complementary offer:
Data Maturity Assessments for Government

Apply for one of three complementary assessments conducted by our data experts at Pivotl.

What is a Data Maturity assessment?

The Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) has developed The Data Maturity Assessment for Government (DMA) to help departments and public sector organisations:

  • measure the current strength of your data capability and target areas for improvement and associated actions
  • give you the information you need to prioritise the right areas for development
  • and ultimately deliver better public services and deliver policy with greater precision and impact.

The CDDOs shared ambition is for all departments to have actionable data maturity insights from using the DMA for Government by May 2024.

the pivotl offer

Using our expert team of data professionals, we are offering to conduct a complementary Data Maturity Assessment for three government departments / public sector organisations.

Together with your senior accountable officer for data maturity, we’ll identify which strategically important part of the organisation to assess and using the DMA tool, we’ll conduct the following research:

  • Individual expert response
  • Structured group workshops
  • Semi-structured interviews with experts and stakeholders.

the Outcome

We’ll aggregate and synthesise all of the responses and develop a Government Digital Service design standard dashboard to:

  • accurately evaluate your department’s data maturity level – its capability, effectiveness and readiness to use data
  • deliver insights on areas of improvement to enhance your data strategy and operations
  • provide a benchmark score against other UK Government departments that have conducted the same DMA assessment where possible and provide recommendations for areas to improve.